Enjoy the classics without the stress of tests or term papers!
Victor Harris will introduce each selection with a brief overview lecture of approximately thirty minutes before opening the floor to questions and comments. The sessions are scheduled at
noon at two week intervals to allow everyone time to complete the reading and to allow for any adjustments in the event of inclement weather. The titles to be covered are
March 18 -
The Illiad by Homer
April 1 -
The Odyssey by Homer
April 15 -
The Aeneid by Virgil
April 29 -
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
May 13 -
Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert
No prior knowledge or background is assumed, though participants are encouraged to read the selections; however, it is not mandatory. Harris shares that in previous programs, some attendees have found that they enjoyed reading the books after attending his programs. Either way, we hope you will join us. All titles are available for OWWL holds (Harris prefers the verse editions over the prose translations for Homer and Virgil, and highly recommends the 2003 Edith Grossman translation of
Don Quixote).
No registration is required for this free series. The only requirement is enthusiasm for learning about these time-honored works in the great Western literary tradition. I hope to see you there! (Snacks and lunches are allowed.)